Whether we’re on a road trip, taking a mini getaway, backpacking on a gap year, or traveling for the long haul, there are many ways that each of us can travel more eco-consciously. With just a hint of extra thought and preparation, we can travel while also leaving a lighter environmental footprint.
Recently, we caught up with road trip enthusiasts and environmental advocates, Maddy Lansdown and Nate Evankan, who shared with us 10 tips for traveling more eco-friendly.
There are countless ways one can travel more sustainable, and Maddy explains that “these are just my easy recommendations if you are looking to start somewhere or for some inspiration”.
Every little bit counts. So if you’re looking to take the first step into becoming more environmentally-conscious, or you’re wanting to add something new to your existing eco regime, dive into Maddy’s tips below.
10 Ways To Be More Environmentally-Friendly When Travelling:
1. Toothpaste Tablets
“These tabs are contained in a bottle made from 100% recycled plastic.” Maddy likes using Lush’s Dirty Toothy Tabs.
2. Coffee Keep Cups
“One lifelong investment = hundreds of plastic and coffee cups saved from landfill and the oceans!”

3. Reusable Makeup Pads
“Say hello to cotton and bamboo alternatives to single-use cotton pads. Pop them in their cotton storage bag, throw them in the wash, and use time and time again.”
4. Compostable Deodorant
“Natural deodorant packed in a biodegradable cardboard tube. Once it’s finished, throw it in your home compost or kurbsibe recycling bin.”
5. Bamboo Toothbrush
“It’s super easy to get your hands on a wooden toothbrush – you’ll find them in any supermarket. To dispose, snap the head off and throw the wooden handle in your garden/compost.”
6. Stainless Steel Razor
“One razor for the rest of your life! And to top it off, you can get a pack of 5 blades for only $3.”
7. Reusable Water Bottle
“Save the earth AND your bank account some harm, and invest in a forever bottle. My favourite is my metal double-walled bottle – it keeps my water icy cold for hours.”
8. Soft Plastics Recycling
“I always keep a separate bag for any soft plastics I have (bread bags, silver-lined plastics, etc.). I can then take these to a REDcycle bin at the front of any Coles or Woolworths (there is a full list on each of their websites). It’s pretty impressive what you can keep out of landfill with a little extra effort!”
9. Say No To Takeaway Packaging
“Where possible, I always try to eat in rather than take away, to avoid single use takeaway packaging. When I do get takeout, I ask them not to worry about putting it in a bag. Many places take reusable containers and cups too. My advice: it never hurts to ask!”
10. BYO Fruit & Veges Produce Bag
“There are (usually) always options to get loose, unpackaged produce at the grocery store and markets. One thing I can’t go to the store without is my stack of reusable produce bags. If you forget though, many items like bananas and avocados have their skin only for protection and can go without a bag at all.”